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What you can do with Billinda.

When we need a specific tool or item for one-time use, it is a waste to buy [it]. So, you would ask around from your friends or neighbors whether they have what you need. This process is long and burdensome [one]. This is where Billinda can become your new best friend. Through Billinda, you can build or join a "Village" with your friends, neighbors, or acquaintances and share or sell your items.

Billinda is there to help you do two things: sell or donate items you no longer need but are in good condition; and share items you rarely use. Using Billinda, you can build better communities, save money, save space, and save the planet by reducing waste ending up in landfills.

There are many platforms out there, which allow you to sell your used items, but selling your used items with strangers can be awkward and dangerous. Using Billinda, you will share with your close friends, acquaintances, and neighbors.

Our mission through Billinda is to build an app where all our users can build trusted communities with people they trust.

Have your children outgrown their pretty clothes? Use Billinda to build a trusted community among moms with young kids in your neighborhood and share all the clothes your child has outgrown.
We all have specific tools in the house which we use once in a while. Usually, these tools will stay in a storage room until we need them. Using Billinda, you can share these tools with your neighbors who might need them to fix their problems. Using Billinda can help reduce wasteful buying and build a secure sharing economy.
Fast fashion has brought us to an age where we buy clothes and only wear them once or twice. After a while, most of these clothes either end up at the back of your closet or get thrown out. Using Billinda, you can build a shared community and exchange all these beautiful clothes with your friends and neighbors.
Even though we live in a digital age, we still buy and read many books. Children often need textbooks, storybooks, etc for school. After using these books, they will either end up on a bookshelf, never to be opened again, or at a landfill. You can now use Billinda to build a shared economy and exchange all your books with your friends and neighbors.
Do you have a lot of sporting equipment that you rarely use? You can use Billinda to share or sell the equipment you no longer need or rarely use with your friends or neighbors. You can even find friends from existing communities to use your sporting equipment.